Engineering Teams and Clubs


Women in Engineering Monash (WEM)

Engineers Without Borders (EWB)

Queers in STEM (GLEAM)

Specialisation Clubs

Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES)

Materials Engineering Society (MATES)

Mechatronics Engineering Clayton Club (MECC)

Monash Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Club (MAMEC)

Monash Engineering and Pharmaceutical Science Society (MEPSS)

Monash Environmental Engineering Society (MEES)

Society of Monash Electrical Engineers (SMEE)

Society of Monash University Chemical Engineers (SMUCE)

Transport Engineers at Monash (TEM)


Precious Plastic Monash (PPM)

Monash Forge (MF)

Monash High Powered Rocketry (MHPR)

Monash Human Power (MPH)

Monash Motorsport (MMS)

Monash Brewlab (MBL)

Monash DeepNeuron (MDN)

Monash Uncrewed Aerial Systems (MUAS)

Monash Connected Autonomous Vehicle (MCAV)

Robogals Monash (RGM)

Monash Young MedTech Innovators (MYMI)

Monash Sustainable Buildings (MSB)

Monash Nova Rover (MNR)

Monash Carbon Capture and Conversion (MC^3)

Sustainable Water Monash (SWB)

Monash Pilot Processes (MPP)

Monash BEST Team (MBT)

Monash Automation (MA)

Monash SynBio Tech (MSBT)