Student Resources

Monash University provides a wide variety of resources to support you throughout your degree and we want to share them with you! From leadership programs to health services, Monash has it all. Check out the links below to help manage your degree!

Online Resources

Physical Health

Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm

(03) 9905 3175

University Health Service GP

In-person medical appointment with a GP at Clayton Campus. Make sure to bring Monash ID, Medicare/OSHC/Healthcare card, IHI number (non-Medicare cardholders). Medicare card holders: bulk-billed, International students insured with Allianz Care Australia or Bupa: directly billed to your insurer, Students insured with any other company: up-front payment (then claim full refund from insurer).

Location: University Health Service, 21 Chancellor’s Walk, Ground Floor

International Student Health Check

Free, confidential, 30-minute check-in with a nurse for International Students to review health and wellbeing. The nurse may assist in organising an appointment with a doctor/counsellor as necessary. Available at Caulfield Campus.

Location: Level 1/Building B, Cnr Queens Ave & Sir John Monash Drive, Caulfield East

(03) 9903 1177


Monday - Friday, 8:45am - 4:30pm.

(03) 9905 1000

Dental services for Monash students, with discounted fees. Make sure to bring your Student ID / M-Pass, and note that you must pay at the time of your appointment.

Location: University Health Service, 21 Chancellor’s Walk, Ground Floor

Book via email:


Monash Nutrition Clinic offers nutrition and dietetic consultations with an Accredited Practicing Dietitian at a reduced rate. The clinic consults on a range of nutrition issues, and also offers specialist Sports Nutrition and body composition assessment. Initial appointment: $30, Review appointment: $15, Body composition analysis: $15

Book via email:

(03) 9902 4270

Mental Health

Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm

(03) 9905 3175


Free in-person or Telehealth consultations for students. Counselling can help you with problems like coping with study or university life, stress, anxiety and depression, loneliness, drug and alcohol abuse and addictions, negative feelings and suicidal thoughts, relationship and family issues.No issue is too big, or too small.

Location: University Health Service, 21 Chancellor’s Walk, Ground Floor

24/7 phone consultation: 1300 STUDENT (1300 788 336)

Click on the link to access contacts for emergency and after-hours mental health support. These contacts range from campus security to 24 hour helplines. Free and confidential for all Monash students and staff.

Mental Health Emergencies

Wellbeing Hub

Monday - Friday, 9:30am - 4:30pm.

A calming and soothing place on campus to visit when overwhelmed or unsure where to seek help. Has a hush pod, tree of hope, sensory toys/aids. Myotherapy available Tuesdays 10:00am - 4:00pm and Thursdays 10:00am - 1:00pm. Note that there is a fee.

Location: Campus Centre, next to MSA MUST Theatre.

Academic Support

25 minute online consultations with an advisor who can provide guidance study related issues (i.e. time management, exam revision), support academic writing and English and provide initial feedback on sections of academic writing.

Note that there is a maximum of one consultation per week. 

Monday - Friday, 9:30am - 7:30pm Weekends, 11:00am - 5:00pm

(03) 9905 3175

1:1 Consultations

A variety of self-paced and in-person workshops to assist with a range of topics, including academic writing, sitting timed assessments and study.


Provides written feedback on work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, regarding structure, language, spelling and grammar, use of sources and argument.

The Feedback Studio


Team of investigation and risk assessment specialists, who respond to disclosures of concerning, threatening and inappropriate behaviour, including sexual harm.

Location: 21 Chancellors Walk, Clayton, Monash University


Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm

(03) 9905 1599

Safer Community Unit

24/7 phone counselling support. Access to both on and off campus emergency services, with the option to share GPS location with those services. Ability to request urgent on-campus help, arrange an on-campus security escort (available 24/7) or find the security shuttle bus location. Ability to disclose/report incidents to Safer Community Unit. 

Monash bSafe App

If you want a security officer to walk with you anywhere on campus, call the general security number (03 9902 7777) to arrange a safety escort.

Safety escorts

Runs every 30 minutes from 5:30pm to 9:00pm, Mondays to Fridays. Has a live bus tracker available through the bSafe app or at this link:

Clayton Security Bus

On campus: Call Security 24/7 on 03 9905 3333 (or 333 from a Monash phone)

Clayton security office: Ground floor, Building 6, 29 Ancora Imparo Way

Emergency support